Hi, John Peterson from Best Practice.
I’d like to share a few suggestions with you on how to run a great, weekly team meeting with your employees or perhaps sub-contractors, depending on the nature of your business.
(How to Run Efficient Weekly Team Meetings)
As a business owner, it’s easy to forget how important it is to refocus not only yourself, but the whole team on the key strategic goals and objectives of your business on a weekly basis. Also, if you want to create a great culture where people that work for you help you take your business where you want it to go and do so with the passion and the gusto, to achieve that, you’ve got to really invest the evolution of that team in terms of where you are now to where you really want to be in the future. So a couple of tips on how to run a great weekly team meeting. Step 1, it’s really important to talk about what went well last week.
(What did go well?)
Too many times, I see business owners that go straight into the negatives. Of course, it just starts the meeting off on the wrong foot. So remember to kiss before you kick and then, finish with a kiss. That’s just a terminology. What went well last week, specifically “Dave did a great job on Tuesday last week. He worked on that project. He stayed back after hours to get it done.
The client had a high expectation to get it done by a particular date and Dave did a great job to achieve that. Well done, Dave. That’s a kind of effort we really need. If we’re going to achieve our vision in the future, that’s exactly what we need from you. Well done, Dave.”
What else could be done more effectively? So we highlight the positives first and then we have to step up as a leader. If you want to build a great culture, you’ve got to be willing to be a bit more transparent with the things that don’t make you happy as well. You got to highlight those specifics.
(What didn’t go well?)
“By the way, Tom, that wasn’t a fabulous job on that particular project. You know that you’re much better than that. We discussed that personally and I mentioned I’d raise it in front of the team not to embarrass you, Tom, but we let the client down. We know that. Maybe a couple of us could’ve even dropped the ball in the scenario.”
Why do we do that in front of the whole team? Your good people need to hear you and see you leading by example because they will otherwise be dragged down by the lowest common denominator.
(Employees need to see you leading by example.)
So when you stand up for your business and you stand up for the things that need to improve that really boost morale with your veteran, loyal, and high performing people. So “What went well?” “What can we do differently?” and then “What are our goals and objectives for the week?”
(What went well? What can we do differently? What are our goals and objectives for the week?)
That’s a simple suggestion. If you just run that 5 to 10 minute weekly team meeting or add that to your other content you want to cover, you’ll create a great discipline and eventually, you’ll have a team signing up to help you take your business where you want it to go. That’s all for now.
I’ll talk to you again soon.